- 建立一個.Xmodmap檔案放在$HOME/
- emacs ~/.Xmodmap
pointer = 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - 設定 > Default application for LXSession > Autostart > @xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap > 追加
lubuntupointer = 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12滑鼠中鍵旋轉方向設定
$ sudo emacs /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf
第一個session的最後追加一行「Option "TPCButton" "on"」
$ sudo emacs /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf
第一個session的最後追加一行「Option "TPCButton" "on"」
- 自製wacom.sh,保存在$HOME/script
- xinput set-prop "Wacom Intuos5 touch S Finger touch" "Device Enabled" 0
- 設定 > Default application for LXSession > Autostart > $HOME/script/wacom.sh
lubunt快速鍵偏好設定 (NexWindow, screenshot)
$ emacs ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml
NexWindow : command Tab
- 快速鍵設定檔案:
$ emacs ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml
NexWindow : command Tab
<!-- Keybindings for window switching -->
<keybind key="A-Tab">
<action name="NextWindow">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<keybind key="A-S-Tab">
<action name="PreviousWindow">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<keybind key="C-A-Tab">
<action name="NextWindow">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<!-- Keybindings for window switching with the arrow keys -->
<!-- Keybindings for window switching -->
<keybind key="W-Tab">
<action name="NextWindow">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<keybind key="A-S-Tab">
<action name="PreviousWindow">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<keybind key="C-A-Tab">
<action name="NextWindow">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<!-- Keybindings for window switching with the arrow keys -->
screenshot : command F12
<!-- Take a screenshot of the current window with scrot when Alt+Print are pressed -->
<keybind key="A-Print">
<action name="Execute">
<command>lxsession-default screenshot</command>
<!-- Take a screenshot of the current window with scrot when Alt+Print are pressed -->
<keybind key="W-F12">
<action name="Execute">
<command>scrot -u -e 'mv $f ~/ピクチャ/Screenshot/'</command>
<!-- Keybindings for window switching -->
<keybind key="W-Tab">
<action name="NextWindow">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<keybind key="A-S-Tab">
<action name="PreviousWindow">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<keybind key="C-A-Tab">
<action name="NextWindow">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<!-- Keybindings for window switching with the arrow keys -->
screenshot : command F12
<!-- Take a screenshot of the current window with scrot when Alt+Print are pressed -->
<keybind key="
<action name="Execute">
<!-- Take a screenshot of the current window with scrot when Alt+Print are pressed -->
<keybind key="W-F12">
<action name="Execute">
<command>scrot -u -e 'mv $f ~/ピクチャ/Screenshot/'</command>
起動時NumLock ON
$ sudo apt-get install numlockx
Menu > Preferences > Default applications for LXSession
@/usr/bin/numlockx > +Add
Menu > Preferences > Default applications for LXSession
@/usr/bin/numlockx > +Add
文章 (Atom)